Wednesday 30 July 2014

MSA 2014



    Hello everybody,

      I am Shubhransh Bhargava. I am currently pursuing B.Engineering in Computer Engineering ( CE) from LDRP-ITR , Gandhinagar.

 Today, I am writing this blog regarding MSA program Indian , Where I will be telling you all about how Microsoft affected as well as changed my life and how it can have same effect on society around me.

Now you must be thinking... What is MSA program??

MSA- Microsoft Student Associates, A Group of enthusiastic Students "who simply love technology". Microsoft‬ Student‬ Associates‬ represent their local campus as technology enthusiasts and social media/marketing evangelists. It is an initiative by Microsoft for students that focuses towards developing the leadership attributes of students in their community. There is no restrictions, no boundations regarding the contribution. Anyone can be a MSA. No matter you know coding or not.

How Microsoft affected my life ???

 Well if u ask me when was the first time I first encounter with Microsoft, I still remember it. It was when a new PC came to my house and I started playing a famous game of that time and that was Road Rash . I was in class 2 or 3 at that time. After that I still remember that I used to go for computer classes to learn how to use computer.

Then when I understood how to use computer the best thing or the most frequent thing that I use to do on my PC was to either play games or show all other people my artistic nature using the famous program of that time MS-PAINT. It helped me a lot in trying new artistic things and sometimes to edit pics 

Then when I grew up I understood what actually Microsoft OS is . It is one of the best OS that provides great platform to operate many applications

It changed a lot from windows 98 ( My first OS ) to windows 8.1 ( My current OS ) not only from logo but from many other features as well.

The next big thing that Microsoft gave me was MS-Office Package, during 2000's it provided some of the great applications like MS-Word , MS-PowerPoint , MS-Excel and etc that helped me in creating projects , presentations etc . And now in new versions of MS-Office it provides additional features like Onenote , Publisher Lync and etc that even helped me to create drawing using these applications.

Well now I think what would me my life If I was not using Internet Explorer, How could  I connect to others around the other corner of earth or search my problems using Bing or share my mails using outlook.

Then came the new packages for my Windows XP and it included a new application that is now very close to my heart and that was Windows Movie Maker . It helped me a lot in surprising my friends and family by creating some exciting films of their pictures and gift them as a birthday gift .

Skype...Well it one of those applications that is very close to my parents heart as I helped my parents to connect to my relatives who are living far away from us and also see their faces brings a lot of relief for my parents and my grand parents. It also helped me if I want to explain something to my friends through a video chat.

Then Microsoft gave me the biggest gift of my Life ie Nokia Lumia family. It made my life easy with such an interactive OS and help me to read my documents easily and edit them.I also made my life colorful.And now this gift of windows 8.1 with Cortana is the best.

  "No wonder that Microsoft has become a part and parcel of my and many of our lives!"

What Things I will Do If I become a MSA?

I have always been interested in knowing about new technologies, getting into their depths to know more about them so that I could use them and also share my views about them with my friends & people who have a great love towards technologies.

If I become MSA , Then firstly I will create a group in my college of students who are as interested in technology like me. Then I will organise various workshops, seminars about new softwares, new gadgets to be launched, in the campus so that students could gain knowledge about such tech things easily and will use them to make their life simpler. I will contribute my experiences through various social networking sites.

Thus, if I become a MSA I will educate the society with people of all age groups about the use of Microsoft Technologies in our day to day life as it has been with me and I will take my first step by doing this with my family itself.
Thanks to Microsoft for being a great part of my life.

That's all, I tried to tell all of you how Microsoft changed my life but still there is long list.

Shubhransh Bhargava